Monday, June 10, 2019
“Up you mighty race you can accomplish what you will’ Marcus Mosiah Garvey
One thing that we have learnt from the honorable Marcus Garvey through his philosophy, experience and teachings of Black Nationalism is the primary importance of Race First Consciousness in the Black world, where Black people are at the bottom of development and being the footstool of other nations. In his articulation of our Black condition by this great and wise Black man born in Jamaica, in a world dominated by global system of white supremacy, with the aim to unpack and relate to us in a real and honest manner, emphasized the need to begin with the Black self in anything that we do. The honorable Garvey always put across that ‘charity begins at home’, first be true to thyself so not be false to no one. That’s the seed of blackness that he planted in the minds of black people universally, Race First Philosophy.
Marcus Garvey Black Nationalist liberation and redemption message, inspired many sons and daughters of the Afrikan soil, and a lot of the oppressed people of this world who identify themselves with our struggle against colonialism and enslavement of Afrikan people by European caucasian cave vampiric beasts and arab vampiric sand beasts, who live by sucking the blood of innocent divine Black people. His voice and message to the Black people of this world also find resonance in the poor and oppressed people of Asia, Pacific and South America who live under miserable condition under the parasitic global system of white supremacy, as it was demonstrated by the presence of Ho Chi Minh from Vietnam in the meetings of UNIA while he was in USA, to listen to the speeches of Marcus Garvey. That’s how relevant Garvey was to the victims of this barbaric machinery which keeps Black people perpetually subjugated and dependent on these aliens for survival.
The Race First philosophy as advocated by Marcus Garvey serves as a weapon and ammunition to empower ourselves; while simultaneously it disempowers and dismantles the parasitic system and weakens our enemies, and those who want to use us as objects for their research and exploration. Race First philosophy develops consciousness that is able to motivate, encourage and inspire the Black Mind, stimulating the untapped energies that were suppressed by more than 2500 years of alien invasion, parasitism, colonialism, enslavement and neo colonialism, because of its Blackest nature, self-empowering and self-creating ability. In actual fact, that’s the reason our oppressors were afraid and frightened by Marcus Garvey who managed to arouse and organize millions of Black people around the world under one banner of Red, Black and Green, our liberation banner for the redemption and liberation of Black people universally.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey as a champion of this liberator creed and philosophy, created many enemies of Black Power movement, many coming from Afrikans who are advocates, defenders and protectors of white enslavers and colonizers interests, hegemony and world view. His enemies were so called democrats and socialists who were propagating and advancing the liberal integrationist ideologies which are detrimental to the interests of Black people. The people who ridiculed, demonized and mocked Marcus Garvey, projecting him as irrelevant and backward for not applying white mind definition and interpretation in his own Black reality are found mainly among those who benefit from the exploitation of Black people by white supremacist parasitic machinery, or which are agents of the system of white supremacy.
The so called democrats who saw him as a mad person who is not enlightened to know the complexities of the world affairs because he was not using analytical instruments from white people , but his own Black centric analytical instruments from the Black mind to interpret and define his reality. Those were mainly Afrikans who are among the so called middle class, who are academically trained, conditioned and orientated by mentacidal European colonial institutions of mis-education which produce Afrikans who functions as auxiliaries of white supremacist propaganda, lies and deceit.
The Race First Consciousness as expressed by oppressed people is a powerful psychological and sociological instrument capable to elevate the Afrikan from being a perpetual student and slaves of white reality to be a self-creating, self-defining and self-projecting beings, in a process of constructing Black reality. It allows Black people to cultivate and develop mental faculties, an Afrikan world view, Afrikan cultural perspective which is informed by our Black condition and environment, collective Black aspirations, and empower Blacks to be masters of their own destiny.
In this world dominated by European parasitic vampires, a people who live by sucking the blood and natural resources of Black people and all non-white people, it is very important for us to be in control of our minds and thoughts, so to be in control of our behaviors and actions. This is one of the contributions that the great honorable Marcus Garvey gave to the Black people of this world, with the sole purpose to redeem and liberate the Black race universally from the grip of devilish white man and woman who are hell-bent to keep us in perpetual servitude and subjugation.
The Race First, Black First Consciousness is our outlook which frightens the colonized and Europeanized Afrikans who are co-opted agents of white supremacy. In defense of their traitorous acts and hypocrisy, they are the ones who ridicule any Black and Afrikan standpoint, mocking the Black centric nationalist program of the race as a narrow outdated methodology which is not in tune with the white integrationist neo colonial fantasy world. These are misguided whitewashed people who claim to be international, beyond color and race politics, talking about universal brotherhood under white rule and domination, having allegiance and care only to humanity not to Black people, yet their behinds are not free from the parasitic white man.
These retarded and idiotic alienated Afrikans are mentally and spiritually dead people who no longer live by themselves, for themselves. The merely fact of standing against a Black initiative, a self-empowering Black construct from the Black world, which seek to reverse and destroy the circle of slavery and colonialism, expose their handlers and puppeteers machinations of disrupting the Black family, and of being functionaries and mouth piece of white people ideological and philosophical narrative. Marcus Mosiah Garvey once said ‘any leadership which depends on another race will only lead you into bondage’. He warned us that as a people we must always seek a leadership which is not depended on the oppressor, a club of “yes bass” boys who lack confidence of self, a bunch of cowards and sellouts who are not capable to create their own reality
In this world of confusion, illusion and fantasy, it is very important for us to be grounded in our own Afrikan reality and construct our own world without being apologetic about it, without fear and favors. The essential need to rise up from being the objects of the white man and woman, liberating ourselves from a state of stagnation, negation and backwardness to a state of sovereignty, nationhood, power and authority, cannot be suppressed and ignored any longer. The race first Black stance is essential and necessary for the development of Afrikan personality, psychology, world view and national consciousness, which are components of our divine Afrikan being, looked down upon by European and arab colonialists who want to keep us in perpetual servitude. In the attempt to restore the lost, stolen and under siege Afrikan personhood and nationhood, our disorganize family structure, Afrikan community and nation, it will be important to take leaf and listen to Marcus Garvey who embodies the Black peoples aspirations, the man who projected and envisioned a liberated and redeemed Black nation.

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Jah-Blessings 👊🔥🙏🛐✊kings(^_-)