The true BLACK POWER PAN AFRIKANISTS must stand up and fight for the total
liberation of Zimbabwe and Afrika at large by any means necessary. Zimbabwe has been under siege ever since the government of Zimbabwe under the leadership of HIS EXELENCY THE HONOURABLE PRESIDENT OF ZIMBABWE GABRIEL MUGABE started the programme of taking back the land which was stolen from InI by European colonialists from Britain who are the former colonial power in Zimbabwe. It is a revolutionary action taking the land back from colonialist and give it to the landless indigenous people who were dispossessed of their land through the barrel of the gun by these vampires from Europe. Afrika belongs to the Afrikans who are black people. Zimbabwe must be defended and advanced by InI BLACK PEOPLE who love InI black self from these forces that has been trying to destabilize that country with the aim of reversing the land programme and colonize Zimbabwe again. The revolution is about the land, and without the land there is no revolution. Zimbabwe is a source of inspiration to InI who are still living in the settler colonial territories like here in Azania. Zimbabwe proved once again that InI Afrikans with confidence of the self and self determination InI can defeat these forces that are always downpressing InI and exploiting InI natural and human resources. Afrikan people all over the world must rally around Zimbabwe and help Zimbabwe in this situation of desperation which was caused by the imperialists who always want InI to bow down to them and allow InI to be used and misused by them for their own interests. All the liberated zones must be defended and advanced by InI against the babylon forces which are around InI trying to kill and destroy InI vision of creating Afrika in InI own image. Let InI not forget what happened to Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Samora Machel, Thomas Sankara, Amilcar Cabral, Bantu Biko, Mangaliso Sobukwe, Marcus Garvey, Peter Tosh, Malcom X, Khalid Mohammad and many other revolutionaries who stood for the legitimate interests of Afrikan people. President Gabriel Mugabe is one of those elects that come from that Afrikan revolutionary lineage of Afrikan warriors who are sent to redeem InI BLACK NATION from colonial rule, landlessness, and out of starvation spiritually and physically. InI must stand up for Zimbabwe so that InI cannot loose the gains that InI have achieved under this revolutionary leadership.
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