Sunday, October 8, 2023


Globalization is a scam. Democracy is a scam. Rainbow nation is a scam. United Nations is a scam. World Trade organization is a scam. World Health organization is a scam. World Economic Forum is a scam. World Council of churches is a scam. Settler colonies and colonies are scams. All Imperialist Colonial Institutions are scams. Any system and institution which doesn't acknowledge the ownership of Afrika(Land, Space and Sea) by Afrikans must be neutralized, crushed and destroyed.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

In The Footsteps Of Our Afrikan Ankhcestors

We are here to reconnect with millions of our people taken from Afrika by force to be enslaved in the Americas after 500 to 3000 years of separation. To reconnect with the spirits, blood, flesh, and bones of Afrikans who never made it to the West, but were thrown into the sea to be feasts for the beasts of the sea. We are here to remind ourselves of the perpetual genocide committed by yurugus on Afrikan people globally. We are here to claim the spirits of our Ankhcestors, creating harmony between us. We are here to remind ourselves of the need and responsibility to restore the dignity, honor, and glory of Black people. We are here to remind ourselves of the historical task of organizing and uniting Afrikans at home and abroad. We are here to take instructions and align ourselves with their memory, vision, and consciousness. We are here to listen and learn to the cries and ankhcestral voices of chained and tortured Black souls brutally suffered at the hands of our enemies. We are here to be reminded of the struggle we must wage until the defeat of european and arab genociders, vampires, parasites, and bloodsuckers. We'll be victorious. I pour libation for All Afrikan/Black People who suffered at the brutal hands of enslavers, colonizers, and genociders. I am my Ankhcestors. Ase' Camagu' ❤🖤💚