Friday, September 19, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sunday, July 13, 2014
My first allegiance is to my Black family, Black community, Black nation and to my Divine Black Supreme Being. I don't identify myself with my oppressors, both arabs and europeans. My sympathy goes to my million Black bodies and souls which are under the domination and exploitation of arab and european colonialists all over the world, who are whipped and enslaved almost everyday by these people, enemies of the Black race who don't care and respect our Black being. Arabs and europeans have proven to be our enemies for more than 1500 years. Arabs have colonized, enslaved and killed many of our people in North Afrika and they are still killing us in Sudan, Mauritania, Kemit, Libya, Niger, Tunisia, Algeria yet the arab world and so called arab nationalists and revolutionaries are quiet about the Black Holocaust. Actually these people directly or indirectly benefit from our destruction economically, socially and politically. I never saw any palestinian or any other oppressed arabs in the arab world identifying themselves with the Black people in Sudan who are under siege from arab expansionists who perpetuate the dehumanization of Afrikan people and destruction of our Black civilization. I never saw any arab nationalist identifying themselves with the indigenous people Kemit the Black Nubians who are under the alien domination by arab colonial settlers. Beside rhetoric identification with all oppressed and colonized people all over the world, but they never fought their own arab brothers who are colonial settlers in Afrika, raping, killing, dispossessing, enslaving Black people for their arab white supremacist interests. That's hypocrisy.
I find it strange that oppressed Black people who are ignorant of the atrocities caused by arabs colonial settlers in Afrika, people who never campaign against these dirty and filthy racist arabs colonial settlers in Afrika who are enslaving and committing genocide and destruction of our Divine Black family, have a nerve to identify themselves with arabs in colonial palestine in their imperialist gangsta war againts white supremacist imperialist israel in North East Afrika, a land belonging to Black people who are oppressed and dispossessed by both arabs and ashkenazi european israel.
What about Black people who are the real owners of that land and the most oppressed and dehumanized by the palestinians and by the jews? Are we so desperate for friends, where we even seek them in the enemy camp, people who don't care about our plight and destitute? We are so sheepishly mislead to fight our enemies struggles and wars while we continue to ignore and remain silent of the genocide caused by arabs and european colonialists in their well calculated plan to destroy our Black family in the Black world. Palestinian struggle is for palestinians and their arab colonial people. I choose and take no side when the enemies of Black people fight against each other in the land of Black people to take control of the stolen resource which belongs to Black people at the expense of our own Black interests. We have no friends outside our Race. All other nations operate to advance and preserve their own interests by any means necessary. We can't allow ourselves to be pawns used to fight the imperialist wars of our natural enemies. Let them destroy and kill each other so that we can repossess our land which belongs to us, but was taken away from our ankhcestors through genocide and extermination by these dirty and filthy racist arabs and european colonial settlers in North Eeast Afrika. Afrika for the Afrikans!

Monday, July 7, 2014
For us Black people to regain our Manhood and Womanhood, and liberate our Black Being from the tomb of white supremacy, we'll have to kill, disarm and destroy our enemies. If we are not prepared, willing and able to do that, we'll remain slaves and objects of the white parasitic world, where we'll perpetually be treated as boys and girls, without dignity and honor.

Sunday, July 6, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Reparations and the Pan-African War on Genocide Written by Chinweizu
Now that the American Nazi masters of White Power have started implementing their Global ‗Final Solution‘ to what, in the USA, they used to call ‗The Negro Question‘ [i.e. ‗What is to be done with the Negro?‘], a new and deadly context has arisen for the Pan-African Reparations Movement. Situation Report
Black Africans, whether in the African homeland or in the world-wide Diaspora, have, for three decades already, been under a genocide attack from the barbarian masters of Global Europe; a sneak attack made by using Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction (Bio-WMDs). Those who, for centuries have orchestrated our enslavement, expropriation and super-exploitation, are now (Surprise! Surprise!) orchestrating our extermination.
Our prospects have, without fanfare, gone from worse to the worst: from a further 1000 years of exploitation, humiliation and the most dire poverty, to outright extermination within this century, if we don‘t defeat this attack. Unfortunately, most Africans do not know that they are at war; or that Global Europe has been making war, non-stop, on Pan-Africa for the last six centuries; or that, since the 1970s, the Nazi masters of Globalization [their imperialist ‗New World Order‘] have been waging a covert war to exterminate us.
Africans know all too well of AIDS, and of the AIDS epidemic that is devastating Pan-African populations; but they, and especially those of the Homeland, either do not know, or are too brainwashed to believe, that the AIDS scourge was deliberately inflicted to exterminate them, via the World Health Organization (WHO) and its mass vaccination campaign to, ostensibly, eradicate smallpox. That was the campaign in which they vaccinated 97 million people in the 7 countries of Central Africa which became the epicenter of the AIDS pandemic: Zaire, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda, Burundi. [See p.6 for Appendix 1: the article by Pearce Wright, ―Smallpox vaccine ‗Triggered Aids virus,‘‖ The (London) Times, May 11, 1987, pp.1, 18] Who manufactured the actual, but still mysterious, virus that causes AIDS, and why, and how it got into the WHO vaccines is yet another story? The Challenge There comes a time when a people must get its act together or perish. For Pan-Africa (the entire Black African World) that time is NOW! If we fail to get our act together, we will have no future left, for we shall, like others before us, be disappeared from Planet Earth by our age-old enemies: the genocide-addicted barbarian masters of Global Europe. We shall be disappeared like the Native Americans of the USA, like the Black Tasmanians, like the Black Aborigines of Australia, like the Tatar Aborigines of Siberia. The challenge before all Africans is, therefore, this: To wage a relentless War on Genocide and defeat, by any means necessary, this satanic extermination campaign that has been unleashed on us. That is the paramount task, indeed the one and only strategic task facing us in this century. What is to be done? As victims of a genocide attack, it is our duty to respond with a War on Genocide. To that end, We must rouse the African fighting spirit. We must mobilize the population of Pan-Africa. We must reorganize the societies and communities of Pan-Africa to build African Power for Pan-African survival. But what has reparations got to do with any of that? Everything! Indeed, Self-Reparation, the core aspect of reparations, is the key to everything. How so? The two prime obstacles to African mobilization and organization are a) the Niggerized populations of Pan-Africa, and b) the packed galleries of the Traitors-at-the-Top of Pan-Africa‘s societies and communities: the Traitors Spiritual, Traitors Temporal, Traitors Intellectual, Traitors Political, Cultural, Economic etc; Traitors who are installed by White Power to disorient and lead us astray, and who hold their own people down for the imperialist enemy to rape, loot, exploit and exterminate. Remember Marcus Garvey? That great Pan-African prophet who warned us, back in the 1920s, against the genocide we are now undergoing? What kept us from heeding his call to organize the African Power to deter or defeat this long-predicted attack? It was none other than our de-Africanized, Niggerized and zombified minds. Our first step towards victory must, therefore, be to de-Niggerize and re-Africanize our minds; to get rid, especially, of the Niggerism that is now entrenched in the Homeland. But, first of all, What is the Nigger? The Nigger is the African mangled by white power, a peculiar travesty produced by centuries of European imperialism and Arab hegemony. And alas! after more than a century of being completely in the dungeons of White Power, all of us Africans today have become Niggers. The Nigger is the zombie into which White Power has deformed the African. The Nigger is a fake African – a person of African race, who has been stripped of African culture, and who is culturally Eurocentric or Arabocentric. The Nigger is a biological African who has internalized white supremacist superstitions, and become Afrophobic, and even Eurochauvinist or Arabochauvinist too, in many cases. The Nigger is a person with black skin, white mind and white spirit, an African salt that has lost its savor, brown sugar that has turned sour. The Nigger is that strange creature – the nominal African who despises his race, denies African culture, demonizes his ancestors, and yet expects, and even demands, that people of the other self-respecting races of humanity should respect him and treat him as an equal member of humanity. The Nigger is the African zombie possessed by the ideas and ideals of White Supremacy; the Afrocidal African who craves to be white, physically (e.g Wacko Jacko), or culturally (e.g. the assortment of Black Europeans in the Homeland, Afro-Saxons in the Diaspora, and Omar Bashir with his criminal band of Arabizer-Jihadeer slavers and ethnic cleansers in the Sudan). The Nigger, mesmerized by the Phantom of Individual Freedom/Equality/Rights within the White Power system of the enemy, imagines himself liberated even while everything in Pan-Africa – our laws, our customs, our cities, our schools, our beliefs, our ambitions -- still bears the characteristics stamped on it to serve imperialism. The Nigger is the African enchanted by and addicted to Global Europe‘s anti-ecological [i.e. anti-Ma'at] Way; that glamorized, capitalist way that is leading to certain destruction for the biosphere and humanity. Some Niggers, the Super-Niggers, are so addicted to the satanic gods and conman heavens of their white slave-masters that they are, in effect, already enslaved, not only in body and mind, but also in soul; not only for a lifetime here on earth, but also for eternity in the hereafter. Imagine a black sheep regurgitated after a week in the stomach of a white python and covered in a thick gel of python saliva; imagine that half-digested carcass staggering about and parading itself as a sheep. Some sheep! But such, alas, is the Nigger! It takes the Nigger to think or say: ‗Thank God for Slavery!‘ or ‗Thank God for Colonialism!‘, i.e. to count as blessings those two demolitions of African societies by White Power: demolitions accompanied by viper bites which imbedded fangs and poisons into the body-social of Pan-Africa, fangs which are yet to be extracted, and poisons which are yet to be bled and neutralized with antidotes, poisons which are still coursing through our spirits, leaving Pan-Africa too dazed, decrepit and disoriented to get its act together. Such is the Niggerized African, whether of the homeland or the Diaspora! And the Nigger mind is the enemy‘s recruiting point for traitors among us. And it is Niggerism that has made Pan-Africa‘s Traitors-at-the-Top squander, in frivolous pursuits, the past 50 years of ‗Independence‘, and it has kept them chasing after crumbs from the table of White Power, instead of focusing on their strategic duty to build African Power. And these gratuitous failures have brought us, weak and defenseless, into this vaccination slaughter-yard for genocide. Our first task in our War on Genocide is, therefore, to cure Pan-Africa of Niggerism, with its identity confusions, its strategic blindness, its miseducated and zombified consciousness, its suicidal imbecilities and its infinite tolerance for Traitors-at-the-Top.Self-Reparation is about effecting this cure. And the operational proof of successful self-reparation is when we build the African Power that brings us victory over this genocide. But the Nigger in us dreads and obstructs this cure. Remember Rap Brown? Remember his battle cry? "Die, Nigger Die!" We are yet to fully undergo that wise cure he prescribed. There are still too many Niggers in Pan-Africa, doing havoc among us everywhere. In fact, Niggers are proliferating, particularly in the Homeland. We must speedily kill off the Nigger, for the Nigger must die if the African is to live! Remember Cabral, who taught us to re-become Africans and to struggle against our own weaknesses? De-Niggerization, re-Africanization and overcoming our crippling weaknesses are the fundamentals of the self-reparation we must accomplish. Without them, our chances of surviving this 21st century are less than that of a hailstone in a metal-melting furnace. Killing the Nigger is the foundation for our self-reparation program. And since the Nigger is so hard to kill, we must collectively help one another to kill the Nigger in himself or herself. So, the basic and urgent task of the African Self-Reparation Movement is clear: Re-Africanize the Nigger, for that is the only conversion that could save our bodies here on earth, and our souls in the hereafter. To Africanize ourselves, we must Afrocentrify our minds. After a century or more of comprehensive miseducation, our first need is to know ourselves and know our enemies. And for that we must turn to our sages and prophets from down the ages and drink from their fountains of healing wisdom: We must learn from our anti-imperialist prophets, from Bookman to Biko. We must learn from our intellectual warriors and pathfinders, from the defenders of the African way: from Garvey, Cheikh Anta Diop, Amilcar Cabral, Martin Delaney, Malcolm X, Blyden, Fanon, Cesaire, Carruthers and others. We must seek guidance from our sages across the millennia, from Ptahhotep down to p‘Bitek, and from the proverbs of our ancestors. We must take inspiration from exemplary organizers and mobilizers of African Power, from Mena to Menelik, from Senwosre to Shaka, from Seqenenre Tao, Kamose, Ahmose, Piankhy, and Taharka, down to Sundiata, Sonni Ali, Osei Tutu, Dessalines, Nzinga, Yaw Asantewa, Nehanda, Sobukwe and many many more. We must arm ourselves with the weapon of culture, of African culture; we must furnish our minds with Afrocentric stories, epics, historiographs, parables, riddles, instructions, admonitions; with the sciences and technologies that built the Great Pyramids on the Nile; with the stories of the Good works, Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Ausar/Orsir, the sorrows and saving powers of Ise, the wisdom of Djehuti and the other Akhu/(Enlightened Ones) of the Sep Tepi. For our African Spirit to resurrect, like Ausar, after these many centuries of menticide, we must erase from Pan-Africa the satanic imprint of White Power and its Afrocidal brand of knowledge. We must end our tolerance and admiration for those Nigger devils in the Traitors‘ galleries who are spotlighted and glorified by enemy propaganda. We must withdraw our allegiance and followership from the star Nigger misleaders foisted on us by White Power manipulation and praise songs. We must abandon the acclaimed Niggers who purvey enemy doctrines and, instead, we must soak up wisdom from our own Afrocentric instructors: those who teach in the African Interest. But while killing off the Nigger in and all around us, and while Afrocentrifying ourselves and our communities, we must not neglect some urgent defensive measures that we need to contain this genocide attack: 1. Do not submit to any mass vaccination program, especially those sponsored by any White Power outfit, like the WHO and other UN agencies. 2. At all times, Practice safe sex and other anti-AIDS measures. 3. Breed as much as you can. Pan Africa has a problem of UNDER-POPULATION, not "overpopulation", and we now need also to breed at a faster rate than the enemy‘s genocide machine can mow us down. 4. Give your offspring a thorough Afrocentric upbringing to ensure they become Africans and not Niggers! 5. Create structures that will make and keep us African in mind and spirit. 6. Become African-security-conscious at all times, and create organs for African control of African countries and communities. 7. Insist on Africa for the Africans, and on using Africa‘s resources for African Power. 8. Disorganize the imperialist structures that entrap your country, enslave your society and warp your lives. Remember, at all times, that the battlefront in this War on Genocide is wherever you are. So, take action wherever you are, today and every day: Kill the Nigger in and around you and Afrocentrify yourself and your fellows! Slay the Phantom of individual freedom/equality/rights which enemy sirens brandish to delude and cripple us. The only freedom/equality/rights any African can have anywhere on earth is the freedom/equality/rights guaranteed by African Power. Anything else is a mirage that appears and disappears at the whim of White Power.
Recognize that Afrocentrism, like reparations, is all about building African Power, and recognize that the problem of the 21st century is the problem of African Power: How to build enough of it to guarantee the survival and sovereign autonomy of Pan-Africa. Remember at all times, that there is no individual exemption, no individual escape route, from this genocide attack. A Colin Powell may claim that he isn‘t black or African; but can he fool those new and improved Bio-WMD viruses that are genetically engineered to pick out and kill blacks, and blacks only? [See p.10 for Appendix 2: "Biowar and the Apartheid Legacy" by Salim Muwakkil, In These Times, May 29, 2003] We are all in this together, and must fight the war collectively or perish separately. Therefore Organize, don‘t agonize! Indeed, this War on Genocide is a great summons to us to organize, to build coalitions and establish operational unity between the Diaspora and Homeland zones of Pan-Africa. This is the time for zealous missionaries of Afrocentrism to fan out throughout Pan-Africa to win back our people to our collective interest. And, in particular, all you Afrocentrists of the Diaspora: Come over to Africa and help us Afrocentrify this Niggerized wasteland and make it fit to build African Power for Pan-Africa‘s survival! And in taking up the challenge, let us arm our spirits with Bookman‘s prayer of 1791:
Good God who created the Sun which shines on us from above, who rouses the sea and makes the thunder rumble; Listen! God though hidden in a cloud watches over us. The god of the whiteman calls forth crime but our God wills good works. Our God who is so good commands us to vengeance. He will direct our arms and help us. Throw away the likeness of the white man‘s god who has so often brought us to tears and listen to liberty which speaks in all our hearts. --(Bookman, Haitian Vodun priest, Aug. 1791; tr. by Jacob Carruthers )
With Bookman‘s spirit lighting up our path
Let us unite and go forward to win this War on Genocide!
Copyright © by Chinweizu 2004
Letter from King Leopold II of Belgium to Colonial Missionaries

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